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Namira's Questline Extension


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Been planning an extension to Namira's Daedric quest, The Taste of Death, and while I have something of a plot in mind, I need ideas for abhorrent acts related to Namira's sphere, as all I can come up with, aside from more cannibalism, is unintentional incest, a la the "Poison Song" series of books in Morrowind. The idea of the acts is to accumulate some kind of atrocity counter, where after enough points have been collected, each different act being worth a certain number of points, one or more servants of the Aedra show up to banish the player to a portion of the Scuttling Void. The reason for needing multiple acts is to give the player variety and options if, for either roleplaying or personal reasons, certain behaviors are too far beyond the pale even for someone serving Namira. And, perhaps later, even more points might unlock access to gear or something, not sure yet. Anyone can save hobos from priests, or eat some random guy, but what makes you Namira's Champion, as opposed to another follower?
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I read this yesterday and I've been thinking about it, and what's come most to my mind is that Namira is more goddess patron of things that are physically disgusting, rather than morally abhorrent, so accidental incest would more suit Mephala (if it's part of a manipulative web) or Sanguine (if it's not accidental and is related to indulging forbidden desires). And Namira's not evil, just gross, so 'atrocity' might be a bad thing to label acts in her service.


Anyway, things I can think of that would fall under her purview include (forgive me if this jumps around, I'm thinking as I type) frostbite spiders, chauruses, hm... probably Falmer... - You could have the player go mate with a Falmer, I'm thinking most races would find that physically disgusting ^^ - Diseases (even though Peryite seems to have absconded with that in this game) and beggars, fungi, dead bodies, undead and Draugr... - Hm, that leads to Necromancers. You could have the player perform a necromantic ritual? Something like the Briarhearts? Perhaps helping one of the Forsworn become a Briarheart? - Hagravens very well might be hers since most races (and players, for that matter) consider them an abomination...


Honestly, following Namira is more about what you are than what you do. It requires you to be an abomination (cannibal, leper, undead, maybe possessed of some 'icky' fetish like bestiality...) rather than to commit atrocities. I guess you may not find that answer very helpful, but hopefully you think of something.

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