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Armor color/tinting change


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Well I bought the game on impulse after it was released, but didn't realize that you can only change the color & tinting of the soldier's armor if you have the Elite Soldier Pack dlc, which was a pre-order/launch bonus. I still can't quite believe they left that out, but hopefully someone on here will create a mod to rectify that for me.


Thanks in advance!!!

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If it is any consolation, the color 'customization' in the DLC is extremely restrictive. Rather than picking the colors for your troops, you get to choose from a few dozen preset color combinations, most of which look like a toddler vomited finger paints on the soldier.


It can be useful for giving you CO and medics different color schemes, but for the most part you aren't missing anything.

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A mod of that kind isn't allowed, since it likely infringes on the Elite Soldier Pack DLC. Sorry.


lame flyinghigh, I'm pretty sure they don't have legal rights over the ability to change colors. Of course, they may not what their game modded at all which then we shouldn't even be on this forum in the first place.

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Well I bought the game on impulse after it was released, but didn't realize that you can only change the color & tinting of the soldier's armor if you have the Elite Soldier Pack dlc, which was a pre-order/launch bonus. I still can't quite believe they left that out, but hopefully someone on here will create a mod to rectify that for me.


Thanks in advance!!!


Just torrent the dlc from any reputable torrent sites out there. Its perfectly safe (As long as you follow the instructions) and it can even be installed onto the steam version of the game without it causing any problems.






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A mod of that kind isn't allowed, since it likely infringes on the Elite Soldier Pack DLC. Sorry.


lame flyinghigh, I'm pretty sure they don't have legal rights over the ability to change colors. Of course, they may not what their game modded at all which then we shouldn't even be on this forum in the first place.


Actually, they do have legal rights over "the ability to change colors." It was bundled with the Special Edition of the game as a pre-order/first retail shipment bonus, and circumventing that in any way, even for something as small as this, is very much illegal. Modding a game is not illegal, so long as you don't break any laws by modding, like using textures from another game without permission, etc.


But hey, if you think copyright law and respecting the rights of game developers is "lame" feel free to say such to a moderator. You won't be missed.

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I bought the game the day after release and am therefore unable to customize my soldiers armor.

This is really annoying because customizing the units appearances is a big part of the fun for me.


Just torrent the dlc from any reputable torrent sites out there. Its perfectly safe (As long as you follow the instructions) and it can even be installed onto the steam version of the game without it causing any problems.

I considered doing exactly this. From what I understand you can simply copy the entire XCOM folder from someone else who has the DLC and it will work.

I need to resort to torrenting the game (which I normally don't do) in order to get such a basic piece of functionality as customizing armor appearance.


I really hope this game has the modding potential to allow people to create custom skins and models for the units.

I have my doubts tho as it would no doubt lead to lower sales of DLC such as these armor colors and helmets.

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After a delayed period of time, the customization DLC will more than likely be released. Obviously they'll charge, but if they're smart it will only be $0.99 or $1.49 at most. Customization options are not a 'standard' part of any game, no matter what you may think. They are an added bonus that devs give us, so expecting them to be present for free is your own fault. The fact that they included the armor customization at all is a bonus, as you can still modify your characters' facial appearances.


Now, if you want to do it right, contact the company and ask if they will allow people to make mods that provide more colors and armor models, not just the ones added in the DLC. If they say no, they themselves may be planning to release more DLC packs with added armor models/colors.

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Look, as much as a couple of you seem to think you're entitled to everything for free, you're not. You can't just go and steal bits of the game because you want it. Talk of piracy is a bannable offense here anyway, so you're not helping /anyone/ by suggesting it, or implying that you're going to do it because you feel like you deserve to customize your units.
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Look, as much as a couple of you seem to think you're entitled to everything for free, you're not. You can't just go and steal bits of the game because you want it. Talk of piracy is a bannable offense here anyway, so you're not helping /anyone/ by suggesting it, or implying that you're going to do it because you feel like you deserve to customize your units.


So when I make a mod that changes the color of piece of armor it's piracy? You're not making any sense, half the work on nexus would be considered piracy and why don't you tell all the modd'ers they're just a bunch of entitled brats. Really, the way gaming companies are headed, I think modding will be a thing of the past. Why let us mod when you can charge, nexus and all these sites = banned.

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