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Armor color/tinting change


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Look, as much as a couple of you seem to think you're entitled to everything for free, you're not. You can't just go and steal bits of the game because you want it. Talk of piracy is a bannable offense here anyway, so you're not helping /anyone/ by suggesting it, or implying that you're going to do it because you feel like you deserve to customize your units.


So when I make a mod that changes the color of piece of armor it's piracy? You're not making any sense, half the work on nexus would be considered piracy and why don't you tell all the modd'ers they're just a bunch of entitled brats. Really, the way gaming companies are headed, I think modding will be a thing of the past. Why let us mod when you can charge, nexus and all these sites = banned.


I agree with you about that - I think the issue here though is - are we talking about modding the DLC colors into the game, or are we talking about original color schemes that are not available for download.

For example, in the color customization there are no camouflage patterns, or any patterns at all - only solid colors.


What if someone creates a tool where you can choose colors from a full spectrum on a color wheel - is that overlapping with the DLC?


I don't see how adding your own colors is piracy - only if you are unlocking the actual DLC colors for free.

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It's only infringing if you add the DLC customization to the game, which would be the 34 or so color options and the extra armor deco stuff. If you reskin armor to have a different "default" look, or somehow program your own customization, it probably wouldn't be a problem, though 2K/Firaxis might force you to take it down if they feel that it detracts from their own customization options.(Very unlikely for a normal reskin, but if you somehow modded in a way to change armor colors in-game, without an external editor, they might take offense to it.)


The only people I'm calling entitled brats here are the ones that seem to think that buying the game entitles them to the pre-order feature of being able to customize their squad.

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A mod changing the colors is not illegal. If someone was to distribute the DLC in whole or part, as is, then that would be infringing on trademark. If the ability to change colors was added, and the options of different colors were not just copied into your game, you are fine.
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