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Choose soldier country & more options


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Right now, there's only around 30~ soldier nationalities available in XCOM (list can be found at: http://forums.2kgames.com/showthread.php?140326-XCOM-Nation-Recognition-Guide)


Personally, I was really disappointed you couldn't choose your soldier's country and that there was so few of them to begin with. (No Finland, seriously? We have an army you know :armscrossed:)



Let's not get started on the fact that every soldier speaks with an American accent, regardless of their nationality.

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It is should be doable I think :) I found this poking around in the game files:


FundingAmounts=180 ;USA

FundingAmounts=150 ;Russia

FundingAmounts=100 ;China

FundingAmounts=100 ;UK

FundingAmounts=100 ;Germany

FundingAmounts=80 ;France

FundingAmounts=100 ;Japan

FundingAmounts=60 ;India

FundingAmounts=60 ;Australia

FundingAmounts=0 ;Italy

FundingAmounts=0 ;SouthKorea

FundingAmounts=0 ;Turkey

FundingAmounts=0 ;Indonesia

FundingAmounts=0 ;Spain

FundingAmounts=0 ;Pakistan

FundingAmounts=100 ;Canada

FundingAmounts=0 ;Iran

FundingAmounts=0 ;Israel

FundingAmounts=70 ;Egypt

FundingAmounts=80 ;Brazil

FundingAmounts=70 ;Argentina

FundingAmounts=50 ;Mexico

FundingAmounts=80 ;SouthAfrica

FundingAmounts=0 ;SaudiArabia

FundingAmounts=0 ;Ukraine

FundingAmounts=100 ;Nigeria

FundingAmounts=0 ;Venezuela

FundingAmounts=0 ;Greece

FundingAmounts=0 ;Columbia

FundingAmounts=0 ;Portugal

FundingAmounts=0 ;Sweden

FundingAmounts=0 ;Ireland

FundingAmounts=0 ;Scotland

FundingAmounts=0 ;Norway

FundingAmounts=0 ;Netherlands

FundingAmounts=0 ;Belgium


Seems like more council countries can or will be added, perhaps in a dlc? It should be a matter of changing the right values to replace countries for others, but I think we need some mod tools to do this.

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It is should be doable I think :) I found this poking around in the game files:




Seems like more council countries can or will be added, perhaps in a dlc? It should be a matter of changing the right values to replace countries for others, but I think we need some mod tools to do this.

There's also this in my games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config\XComContent.ini


Flags=(Country=eCountry_USA, U=0.0, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Russia, U=0.25, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_China, U=0.5, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_UK, U=0.75, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Germany, U=0.0, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_France, U=0.25, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Japan, U=0.5, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_India, U=0.75, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Australia, U=0.0, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Italy, U=0.25, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthKorea, U=0.5, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ireland, U=0.75, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Sweden, U=0.0, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Spain, U=0.25, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Norway, U=0.5, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Canada, U=0.75, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Netherlands, U=0.0, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Israel, U=0.25, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Egypt, U=0.5, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Brazil, U=0.75, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Argentina, U=0.0, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Mexico, U=0.25, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthAfrica, U=0.5, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SaudiArabia, U=0.75, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ukraine, U=0.0, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Nigeria, U=0.25, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Scotland, U=0.5, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Greece, U=0.75, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Belgium, U=0.0, V=0.875)


This just changes the soldier's neck flag, not the nationality.

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i didn't see the italian flan in the game... anyone that have some italian soldier can tell me please? (is just to not buy 99 new soldier to find out that there are no italian soldier :P)
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i didn't see the italian flan in the game... anyone that have some italian soldier can tell me please? (is just to not buy 99 new soldier to find out that there are no italian soldier :P)

there is ,no worries .

I have an italian psi-support girl just promoted and gained the nickname' Kitty' ...

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So the countries below are listed as funding but didn't make it in the final game.

Perhaps the flags are also already in game...

Still... no Poland or Finland though or Hungary or Czech R. Strange since this countries have a large community of PC gamers.









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It is should be doable I think :) I found this poking around in the game files:




Seems like more council countries can or will be added, perhaps in a dlc? It should be a matter of changing the right values to replace countries for others, but I think we need some mod tools to do this.

There's also this in my games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config\XComContent.ini


Flags=(Country=eCountry_USA, U=0.0, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Russia, U=0.25, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_China, U=0.5, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_UK, U=0.75, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Germany, U=0.0, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_France, U=0.25, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Japan, U=0.5, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_India, U=0.75, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Australia, U=0.0, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Italy, U=0.25, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthKorea, U=0.5, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ireland, U=0.75, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Sweden, U=0.0, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Spain, U=0.25, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Norway, U=0.5, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Canada, U=0.75, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Netherlands, U=0.0, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Israel, U=0.25, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Egypt, U=0.5, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Brazil, U=0.75, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Argentina, U=0.0, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Mexico, U=0.25, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthAfrica, U=0.5, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SaudiArabia, U=0.75, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ukraine, U=0.0, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Nigeria, U=0.25, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Scotland, U=0.5, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Greece, U=0.75, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Belgium, U=0.0, V=0.875)


This just changes the soldier's neck flag, not the nationality.


What exactly are those U and V values? I wonder if anyone's found the texture files for the flags so you could replace an existing flag with another?

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