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new here need some recommendations


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Welcome to Tesnexus


First, start simple. OOO is a massive mod that changes a lot of things in the game. Start with a simple mod, probably a single weapon is best. Then when that one works like it is supposed to, get one a bit more complicated, a house mod is good. then a body, finally, if you really are tired of the standard monsters and standard loot and standard NPCs and such, go for a total overhaul like OOO. Before each stage, back up your game, make a separate directory and copy all of your data file into it. Another directory and copy your save game directory into it. Then if whatever you installed totally screws your game, wipe out the data file and save game directory and copy the originals back.


NEVER try to install a bunch of mods at the same time. You will not know which one caused the problem and spend hours trying to figure it out before deciding on a complete reinstall. One, two or at most 3 smaller mods at a time. For larger mods only ONE at a time. Then test it for a while before adding another.


As to which mods, that is a matter of taste. You might not like what I like. Take a look at the top 100 list. these are the most popular and usually most stable mods. Then pick the ones you think you will like. If you don't like a mod, take it out of your list.

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