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How to mod/script a brawl and a fight to the death between two NPCs?


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How would you make two NPC brawl with the same rules as player brawls (fists only, non lethal, spectators to gather around, etc)? Is there's a vanilla example in a quest or something?

Edit: just remembered that is a brawl in Jorrvaskr when you first enter but will need to research it later when I have more time. If you know if is usable or not as a starting point please share that and any other useful information.


Also what would be the best way to make two NPC fight to their death? I can think just of setting factions and relations so they will start to smash their heads on sight because of that. I would need a way for that to happen while the player may or may not be in the same cell to witnesses the fight, will my proposed way achieve that?



Edited by LukeH
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You can place a script on both of your brawlers that, OnCellLoad() will add each of them, seperately, to opposing factions. That way, they won't start fighting until the PC enters the area they are in. As far as forcing them to fist-fight... you should just be able to make each of them with NO spells and NO weapons.
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