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Immunity to Vampireism Please


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I have Dawnguard and I retained Serana as a follower after I completed it and I really like her, she's an interesting character with more personality than the other followers. The problem is we'll be in combat and apparently she'll hit me with her vampire feeding power and turn me into a vampire...I have no desire to be a vampire. In the heat of combat my first clue I'm a vampire is when the message flashes that I've fed and then I can't just use a Cure Disease potion or shrine to get rid of it. :( I know theres a quest to cure vampirism but I tried several times to start it with no luck so I end up loading a previous save and some days its so many times I get frustrated. I'm constantly checking my active effects to see if I'm infected, my options are part ways with a follower I really like or try to become immunune. And yes I know I can become immune by becomming a werewolf but I don't want to be a werewolf either. :\


I've searched everywhere I could think of looking for a solution but came up empty. So could someone please, please, please make a spell, potion, book, ring or anything to make me immune to vampirism? Surely I'm not the only person with this problem.

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You can do this via console quite easily but if you preferred i might be able to whip something up quickly.



I'm open to any solution really...if one could be specifically tailored to be immune to Serana even better. I don't have an issue with other vampres I've been attacked and infected lots of times but always had a chance to cure it but with Serana its like I'm hit and immediately uncureable. If its possible to make me immunue to her only that would be great...if not I could use a console command. I guess I'm not looking for a one stop cure all immunity to all vampires really...just her. But if something like that can't be done what would the console command be to make me immune to vampires or cure me of vampirism once she turns me? Its really frustrating to have to fight your enemies and be careful you stay out of the line of sight of your follower or stay behind her...and at least on one occasion it seems she infected me when I was nowhere near her and then I was feeding by using my bow. :|

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I thought I had found an in game solution, I was going to dump all the Dragon Priest masks I have then I remembered the Hevnoraak mask makes you immune to disease! I tried it and was showing 100% immunity to disease in active effects and it seemed to be working...right up until we stumbled across a Stormcloak camp in the hills and Serana started feeding. Once again I became a vampire though I was something like 15 feet to her right as she fed on the Stormcloak soldier. She seems determined to turn me into a vampire as my screen briefly flashed red and the message popped up that my vampiric traits recceded as I fed. Great...I'm a vampire again. Yet again I tried a Cure All Disease potion with no effect...I skip the first stage and proceed to full blown vampire in a matter of seconds. Esc, load previous save and hope for the best. :( I'm guessing her particular brand of vampirism is particularly potent or my game is bugged.


At this point I'm wanting to shoot her in the face myself so until someone can do something...anything to to stop her turning me into a vampire I guess I have no choice but to dismiss her for now.

Edited by Jennifur68
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