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[LE] Need Lightspace Advice


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Is there anything wrong with setting the Light Interior Directional Rotation to 90 90 from a cells Lightspace edit.

Basically pointing the cells light up and middle. Will this effect the game in some way i'm not seeing?

At the moment it's looking pretty good for an interior space.

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"I personally use a lot the Directional Lighting Rotation " .. Honestly this seems to be the only fix for super tight spaces. It's that or pick a more lit side of a room.

Only thing that worried me was shadow effects on something like that. Really don't seem to be a problem (fingers crossed).

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I used 90,90 ... It seems to work very well. My problem was the fact interior lighting was lighting one side of the rooms and darker on the other.

My OCD just couldn't take that. Check out the interior lighting in the Enchanted Ship in a Bottle mod. Was super hard to hit the right combination.

The mod has outdoor and indoor lighting and I was looking for that mid point between an ENB and no ENB. Setting the interior lighting to 90,90

really turned out nice. The reason this was a concern for me is I myself don't use shadows. Major FPS boost without them. I've tested the hell out

of this from the time I posted this and it seems to be just fine with or without shadows. Thank you for your insight.

Edited by NexusComa
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You would think ... but it don't. The lights added (like a candle or reg light) act as normal.
So if I add like a fireplace the shadows still act as you would expect when standing in front of it.

Now if you didn't add any lights at all I'm sure you would see a difference. But, I'm talking about a controlled
interior with many lights added.

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