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req: more modern to-hit system


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My request for a mod is a more modern to-hit system. The whole single-chance hit or miss from the original XCOM is sadly dated, and can sometimes result in frustration based solely on luck. Firing a machinegun at close range with an 85% chance to hit should almost never miss with every single bullet. Some specifics:


- Multiple shots per turn, each checked individually. For example, firing a pistol will result in say 3 shots, and each of them will be checked for a hit individually and deal 1/3rd the total damage per hit. Machine guns, heavy lasers, etc. will fire perhaps 10 shots, again each checked individually. This will curve the damage output and make full misses with "bullet sprays" less common, but also make full damage (every single bullet hits) also less common.


- Bring back the choice to select between a high-accuracy aimed single shot and a high-damage burst shot, a la original XCOM.


- Sniper rifles should also include a +aim bonus, not just a +crit.


- Limited clips and ammunition management. Not strictly necessary for the main change above, but it would enhance the tactical management aspect.

Edited by stellarfirefly
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Totally agree with this. The single roll/hit or miss with weapons makes sense only if the soldiers were firing a single shot. I'd like to see the system you are referring to, merging the old aiming system with the new soldier resource system (aimed shots taking 2 units, snap shots taking 1 unit and being able to make 2 snaps a turn, and burst fire 1 unit but reduced accuracy or something). Even the original made a roll for each shot fired then even after that the stray shots had a chance for hitting enemies, friendlies or environmental damage.


My request for a mod is a more modern to-hit system. The whole single-chance hit or miss from the original XCOM is sadly dated, and can sometimes result in frustration based solely on luck. Firing a machinegun at close range with an 85% chance to hit should almost never miss with every single bullet. Some specifics:


- Multiple shots per turn, each checked individually. For example, firing a pistol will result in say 3 shots, and each of them will be checked for a hit individually and deal 1/3rd the total damage per hit. Machine guns, heavy lasers, etc. will fire perhaps 10 shots, again each checked individually. This will curve the damage output and make full misses with "bullet sprays" less common, but also make full damage (every single bullet hits) also less common.


- Bring back the choice to select between a high-accuracy aimed single shot and a high-damage burst shot, a la original XCOM.


- Sniper rifles should also include a +aim bonus, not just a +crit.


- Limited clips and ammunition management. Not strictly necessary for the main change above, but it would enhance the tactical management aspect.

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I would very much enjoy that too. I don't really see the nees for clips, but why not.

The sniper rifle +aim would be too much I think. The sniper level progression already gives him a lot of aim points, and they usually make impossible 100 shots before even making it to colonel.

I think the snap-shot bit is well covered with abilities.

Single-shot rolling on the other hand (and maybe rolling for partial damage of shotties at short range) would be very neat indeed.

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It does seem very awkward that a full spray from a machine gun or a blast from a shotgun acts like a single bullet.


I'd love to see it making more sense. The % chance of hitting with a spray of bullets should be per bullet/pellet. Not all or nothing.


Half the reason to use a machine gun is because at least some of the bullets will hit.

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