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A stable mod list for Skyrim VR


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So I'm jumping back on the VR bandwagon. I've gotten back into Skyrim SE due to all the amazing mods that make it such a replayable game. But I have had to restart quite a few times and redo all my mods due to corrupted saves, CTD and endless loading screens. (Wintersun is causing scripting problems and CTD on wait now...)


If any of you have a really good mod list for your Skyrim VR, please post it here. I prefer UNP bodies but CBBE isn't bad. I've never gotten collision and jiggle to work though. Flower Girls is good too. I haven't had any luck with K ENB installs, never gotten it to work.


I'd like to keep it down to 30 to 50 mods, unless you have a very stable mod list.



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