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Female outfit based on Liliana Vess


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I recently made a female necromancer and immediately noticed how boring the normal necromancer robe actually is. I then began searching the Skyrim Nexus but I couldnt find a fitting outfit there either. And here comes the big problem: I have zero skill and experience in modelling and texturing. So now im making this thread in hopes some of you could help me with a fitting outfit.

I do have already have a general idea on how it should look. It should be based on the outfits of the female necromancer Liliana Vess from the Magic: The Gathering Card Game. It should also be made with the UNP body because its the body im using, although I could switch to CBBE if it would be the only way :D

I will now post a few links to pictures so everybody can get a general idea

This Link will lead to a page with a pic and a description of her



These are all great pictures of her








Although this has nothing do with this I can only recommend the Gallery of the artist who made most off the above pictures. He has some amazing work over there.



So thats all for now. I hope this will catch the attention of you and we see some day another awesome piece of work released :D

I also made a thread on the Official Bethesda Forums.


Edited by vTricKyv
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