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Modded saved crash upon loading?


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Hey there,


I have 164 active mods through vortex and everything was going just fine. Then i decided i was missing one more mod and added it to see if it would work. Sadly it did not, but when removing said mod my save files would still crash upon trying to load.


Now i'm not super into modding so i don't know if i can fix this. Since my mod list is now back how it was when i was able to play without a single crash i'm hoping this is fixable and i don't have to start over.


I'm not quite sure what information i have to share to get help from youguys, so let me know. What i will tell you is that it was the following mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4160?tab=description

When enabling this mod through vortex 15 files were changes to the newer ones from the mod. I was hoping these would automatically be reset upon disabling the mod again.

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