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Empyrean Mod


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Make South America not suck (3 scientists and engineers with 2 satellites on easy/normal, 2 scientists and engineers on hard and impossible)


South America doesn't suck, though. It's bonus is really good for when you're doing the sat rush strategy and have done next to no research and June rolls along.


Here's default classic difficulty:


iEngineers1=0, iScientists1=1, iEngineers2=1, iScientists2=1 )


So... you get 1 engineer and 2 scientists for grabbing SA in one month (which you should do, of course), and you changed it to 2/2... Ok, that's fair enough I suppose. :D

Edited by Daemonjax
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Interrogations and autopsies are pretty fast to begin with, though. Honestly I'd say that Europe's discount for Laboratories and Workshops is a better bet even if you're sat rushing; the savings you get from building Workshops at a discount means you can build a couple of Labs as well, which get you to your research goals even more quickly. If the interrogations and autopsies weren't so fast the bonus would make a much bigger difference.
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  On 10/17/2012 at 7:19 PM, PaxEmpyrean said:

Interrogations and autopsies are pretty fast to begin with, though. Honestly I'd say that Europe's discount for Laboratories and Workshops is a better bet even if you're sat rushing; the savings you get from building Workshops at a discount means you can build a couple of Labs as well, which get you to your research goals even more quickly. If the interrogations and autopsies weren't so fast the bonus would make a much bigger difference.


True enough about Europe, but I also wait till I get SA before I do any interrogations/autopsies. It's not a bonus to sneeze at. I don't agree about building any labs, due to Power constraints, but that's a different discussion. :D

Edited by Daemonjax
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So far everything seems to be working fine. I might tweak stat progression a bit and add another hit point to the early-game aliens. Once I've gotten far enough to confirm that Psi-gifted rates are working and the SHIV bonuses are functional, I'll share the DefaultGameCore file.
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