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Serana won't follow me after getting her from the quest Prophet


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I started the quest Prophet (Dawnguard), now I need to take Serana with me to find the Moth Priest, but she does not let me talk to her. She keeps telling me "If you want me to come along, it has to just be me and you." I did have a companion from the Temptress Race mod and I got one of the Husky dog following at the time. So I dismissed them both, but the problem is she keeps telling me the same thing, that she wants to come with me alone only. But I dismissed both of my companions already and I do not have anymore companions to dismisesd. Does anyone else have this problem? How do I fix for Serana to follow me?
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Excellent, glad to help. :thumbsup: For future reference, here's a link to various console commands. Especially if you're not too sure about a particular command, it's a good idea to create a hard save before doing a command. I've never had a problem, but I've read that sometimes console commands can screw up your game.
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