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Female Business wear with pants?


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Hey guys, I have this friend who wants a mod so that when she wears business wear, it will include the pants instead of a dress skirt. I think it would be a simple change, just switching out the female dress skirt with the male pants. Well, simple to someone who has experience with modding, because I have none. So if someone could make something like that, that would be greeeeeeaaaaaaat. Thanks in advance. Edited by Johny Evilguy
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Have you checked out the NV Professional's Suits? Well, I can't port it myself because it uses a NV mesh, but she can convert it herself for personal use, if you have NV.


Probably the easiest is to pick one and make a replacer for a FO3 business suit. It just involves copying files around, so it should be doable for someone with no more experience than using the Windows Explorer.


- unpack the NV textures .bsa files somewhere, using FOMM or FO3Archive or such an unpacker.


- copy textures\armor\1950stylesuit\NV_NPC_Benny_N.dds to your FO3 directory under Data\textures\armor\1950stylesuit\


- unpack the mod somewhere out of the way (e.g., in your documents folder)


- find the bennysuit_f.nif in the unpacked mod's Meshes\MProfiSuit\1950stylesuit\f directory and copy it to your game under Data\Meshes\armor\1950stylesuit\f (create the directories if they don't already exist.) Rename it to outfitf.nif (You could use the NV one, but they screwed up the sleeve when wearing the pipboy, and mine fixes that. Or use the NV one if you have a mod that removes the PipBoy.)


- do the same for the file in the m directory, copying it obviously to a m directory in the game, and rename it to outfit.nif


- find the texture you want it to have in Meshes\MProfiSuit\1950stylesuit , using the pictures of the NV mod for reference. (Ignore the Vlad outfits for now.) Copy it to Data\textures\armor\1950stylesuit\ and rename it to NV_NPC_Benny_D.dds (Or just use the one from New Vegas, if you want the checkered pattern.)


That's it. You just replaced business suits with a recolour for the Benny suits.


Caveat 1: it's not a very feminine or sexy shape. In fact it pretty much hides the breasts. Which might not be that awful, depending on what she wants to look like.


Caveat 2: it's pretty clean. Personally I LIKE being clean, and turned off by outfits that make me look like I just mud-wrestled a pig, but some people are more like "OMG, not lore conform" if an item doesn't look like it was fished from the Modoc latrine in FO3 :P So it really depends on your friend's tastes.


Well, there is a more complex way to convert it as a non-replacer, and it has the advantage of giving you ALL the suits in the game, but just send me a personal message if you want to take the longer route of editing the plugin.

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