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Request- Climbing/Mantling/Scaling F04


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One of my few forum posts so please excuse any mistakes:

I remember playing Fallout New Vegas and having a mod that let you climb over walls/obstacles. I've seen other people ask for parkour in fallout 4 and the response is usually 'impossible cuz animations' / 'engine cannot support it' something along those lines. And while that is probably true for what they were thinking (full on parkour), I thought of a simpler way (theoretically with no modding knowledge) and figured I'd run it by someone.
Instead of worrying about animations and such would it be possible to reuse and overlay the 1st person jumping -and coming back down- animation (when you have your fists out and at the ready) for climbing? As you land there's a bit of shake as well making the animation more believable. Would it be possible to have the character simply float up to where they can be standing on the object they "climbed" while playing the jump and fall animation to cover up the fact that you just floated up. it seemed to have worked in new vegas -I'll admit I don't know how exactly the climbing mod worked in new vegs, but from my observations it seems to be how I described it above and I believe it had a hotkey being either the activate key+jump or just activate when next to an object/obstacle/wall. I can't seem to find the exact mod anymore to give a reference-if my memory serves me it might've been part of the solid project for FNV but anyways I know that it was possible for FNV and hopefully it is still possible for FO4.
People might say that since there are no 3rd person animations then it would be useless, or that its janky because of the simple(er) way it was done but having the ability to scale up and over a wall that's 2-4 feet taller than you would be a major positive for gameplay, exploration, and whatnot-regardless of not being able to use 3rd person. Its something that's so useful that if you used it for a playthrough you'd never be able to go back to not using it.


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Your primary goal seems to be "getting over obstacles", so I'm curious why you want climbing ability instead of just using a jet pack (which can be crafted for power armor in the vanilla game, and there are mods that add personal jet packs if you don't like using power armor).


Also, I don't recall finding many places where going over obstacles would save me that much time vs. going around or finding some stairs nearby. Could you provide some examples?

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Getting over obstacles is one part and catching yourself on edges, the closest thing we will get to parkour.

Say there's a wall thats only 2 feet taller than you (cant jump over it) that if you were able to climb over it would give you a tactical advantage such as high ground and also the ability to do it stealthily, I haven't used the jetpacks but id assume that they're not stealthy and you will get detected if trying to get over the same wall

Basically something to let you float up any wall/edge while playing the jump animation to simulate you climbing over the wall/edge since it seems that otherwise its impossible in the engine.

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Actually, I just tried it, and at least with 4 ranks of the Sneak perk, ascending with a jetpack (either on power armor or a personal jetpack from Armorsmith Extended) didn't seem to cause me to quickly be detected. Admittedly, the power armor landing is decidedly non-stealthy.


Also, I still have some concerns:

1. Technical: a modder who attempts this will have to figure out how to determine whether there really is a ledge within reasonable climbing height. Given that there is already an exploitable glitch for climbing walls of pretty much any height, I have my doubts that this can be done reliably.

2. Tactical: high ground doesn't seem like a big advantage against enemies with ranged weapons, since you'd have less cover than peeking out from the side of the wall.

3. Usefulness: you seem to think this mod would become indispensable, so I will ask again: could you please provide some specific locations in the game where climbing would help?

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  • 6 months later...
Use a jetpack ring mod (there is one on Bethesda mods that doesn't use the flames from original jetpack) and only use it to "climb" obstacles. I use the JP ring to scale buildings, fences, and sometimes trees, but only in a situation where I could realistically climb it. Best test is if I jump in first person and can't see over the edge or handhold, I can't climb it.
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Actually, I just tried it, and at least with 4 ranks of the Sneak perk, ascending with a jetpack (either on power armor or a personal jetpack from Armorsmith Extended) didn't seem to cause me to quickly be detected. Admittedly, the power armor landing is decidedly non-stealthy.


Also, I still have some concerns:

1. Technical: a modder who attempts this will have to figure out how to determine whether there really is a ledge within reasonable climbing height. Given that there is already an exploitable glitch for climbing walls of pretty much any height, I have my doubts that this can be done reliably.

2. Tactical: high ground doesn't seem like a big advantage against enemies with ranged weapons, since you'd have less cover than peeking out from the side of the wall.

3. Usefulness: you seem to think this mod would become indispensable, so I will ask again: could you please provide some specific locations in the game where climbing would help?

When you come out on the roof of the museum during the first Minutemen quest, there is an inaccessible raider on the roof across from you. There is no vanilla way onto this roof. If you kill the raider before (if) he jumps down you can not loot his body.


Also good neighbor, if you are trying to get inside, sometimes you take a wrong turn and end up at the wall of the town, but not at the front gate. Instead of backtracking, one could simply climb the wall.


When saving Valentine in the vault quest, there is a hole in the floor, and without a jetpack, you can't get back up once you go in, which is weird because I could grab a chair (there is one nearby) and climb back up to the upper floor.


There are many situations in which I have found the ability to climb scale or jump would be quite useful and beneficial

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  • 1 month later...

Some more:

-climbing a tree or other object to avoid being mobbed on the ground (would likely require a means to manually "hold on" once in place if there's no collision box)

-zipline'ing between buildings that can't be jumped to

-scaling the side of buildings to enter from upper floors


It's nice sometimes too just to be able to get a clearer view above the treeline, buildings, whatever.


Jetpacks are nice, but may feel a little OP to some of us.


Climbing doesn't have to be "instant". It could require time and equipment to accomplish properly in some cases. But yeah, mantling lower obstacles should absolutely be relatively quick.

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