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The next dlc is Skyrim: Dragonborn


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How I miss Morrowind! But of course after it's plundered, I suppose the island would be in pretty bad shape. But there must still be some mushroom houses there and I hope I can return to the port where my character in TES 3 dropped off. Sweet memories.
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Never having seen any Morrowind myself, I will be quite happy just to get more Nordish lore and story.


Personally, I hope we get more Dunmer, Dwemer or Argonian lore. The whole Nord thing was never my cup of tea, but I'll happily play anything they come out with provided it's *good*. :)

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Personally I'm betting that the reference to a dragonmount is relating to an enemy type (enemies mounted on dragons), rather than the player character. Absolute pure guess but based on the title maybe it has something to do with a different dragonborn from the player character, whose causing trouble in Morrowind (riding around on a dragon?). Edited by Cpolsonb
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Skyrim is a console game ported to the PC. Even without a Microsoft deal, why wouldn't we expect that they'd finish the console version of any DLC first and then do the PC port? If they finish the console first, why would they sit on it, getting no income from it, while doing the port? Just to make us PC players feel better? Heck, I don't mind coming in second, since the console users will uncover a bunch of bugs that can be corrected in the port so we'll never see them on the PC.
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You would think you could Be Dragonborn in Skyrim, yet you find a few Shouts do a bunch of MQ Quests and Bam kill Alduin with your Fists (No Shouts Needed) and then when when you return to Skyrim, its like hearing a Cricket with Nobody Noticing what you just did. :facepalm:
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Finally an enviroment that it´s not snow and ice, I was hoping they made a DLC on morrowind, I would love to see dwemer ruins like those in morrowind game amd balmora architecture along with the pod cities and the mushrooms... well everything in morrowind is interesting I wonder how they are going to do it, hope they give us lots of creature diversity.





Solstheim has pretty much the same environment as skyrim.


Yes but what people found in the update talks about telvani towers so maybe we can see a bit of morrowind land and flora. Still interesting since the dunmer moved to soltheim after the red mountain eruption and argonian attacks.

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If it actually is called "Dragonborn", it gives me hope that it might introduce a storyline they sort of hinted at that I'd love to see them do: a second Dragonborn. It opens up a lot of possibilities story wise and can conclude some of the subplots that kind of fizzled out, like having to choose between the Blades and Paarthurnax. If you're not willing to kill Paarthurnax, maybe the Blades will rally behind a Dragonborn who is. Plus with the Dark Brotherhood storyline where the Emperor is killed, it could open up a storyline of this second Dragonborn using their dragon blood as a claim to the throne.


Of course, that seems too much to realistically hope for. Most likely, it'll be a self-contained DLC like Dawnguard that doesn't depend on the choices you make throughout the main game.

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