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When several settlers die as a result of an enemy attack, the settlement can get out of control.


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I have made all the settlers mortal, and when, after several attacks and deaths of the settlers, I can lose control of the settlement. No warning is displayed, and the level of happiness before that was almost 50%. Of course, I can kill all the settlers, including the Brahmins, so that the settlement becomes mine again, but this is a bad decision.

Which parameter is responsible for this? I did not find anything suitable in CK and the workshopopscript.pex script. I would like to remove it completely. I had almost 30 people in my settlement... Don't let them die by my hand :sad:

Edited by orangedeal
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This is all managed by Workshop Ownership Utilities if you want an off the shelf solution, or:

(WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).AllowUnownedFromLowHappiness = FALSE

and if you register a script for for workshop updates, force a value

Event WorkshopParentScript.WorkshopDailyUpdate(WorkshopParentScript akSender, Var[] akArgs)
   akSender.SetValue(pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatings[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingHappiness].resourceValue, 100)
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Thanks for the answer!

I would like to get by with a simple solution. In PexInspector, I found a parameter AllowUnownedFromLowHappiness_var





Can this help in my situation? If so, what is the default value?





I can’t understand why this has to do with happiness, because it was about 50%, but immediately after the battle, in which I participated and the death of two settlers (the attackers killed them), I lost access to the workbench.

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