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Modding Help: BFAV Farm Animal Data


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Hi. This time around I am looking into making custom animals through Paritee's BFAV.

As a learning tool, I played with available BFAV mods out there and edited the data. For example, brown rooster:

"Brown Rooster": "1/3/180/182/rooster/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/4/7/null/641/800/Brown Rooster/Coop",

So, the idea is to make the roosters lay eggs but it did not work.

1. What do you think was wrong in the values?
2. And as I am writing this now, I realized... could it be because I need to purchase a new rooster to make the changes work? (will try that later)
3. Can I also use any item ID of working items in the game? e.g. if I make an animal "lay" fertilizers ..I'm wondering because I'm not sure if there would be issues spawning items like that on the ground

And just additional question, do you have other media where you discuss modding? I was wondering maybe my answer is somewhere there, or maybe more active people.

Thank you very much Stardudes!

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