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Soldier stats overhaul.


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- Stats: The stats in this game are extremely lacking. With all of the advancements of modern computing technology, you'd think we'd have more stats to make our soldiers more unique. Yet, they have gone the opposite direction and gotten nearly identicle. (I don't care if their armor is pink or they have different hair) Every solder's aim is exactly the same, based on rank and class. The only thing that even varies at this point is their will stat and if they have psionics or not.


Having a full range of stats would tie in with characters being able to to use any weapon just like the original game. It also ties in with having an inventory and carry weight based on physical stats. This would allow each character to shine differently in combat; even those among the same class. Your characters would be more unique and real.


- Soldier variance: One of the most fun things to do in other XCOM games was to check who's available for hire and see if anyone really stood out. Eventually you could make a whole squad of amazing soldiers that start out with awesome stats. These soldiers would become your best after getting some combat experience.


Building your super-squad was enjoyable and rewarding. It also adds a lot of replay value. Currently, soldiers are all the same, the spice is gone.


- Always improving: Soldier stats should not max out just because they hit the top rank. Not only does this happen too fast, it kills off the fun factor of character's progressing once you hit max rank. Stats should increase seperately from rank, based on their actions during combat. There should be dimishing returns so you don't get too overpowered, but it should always be going up; even if it's just a little bit.




This is just an idea I'm putting out there. I'm sure someone is already thinking along these lines. I'd love to make this mod myself, but I don't have the time. Of course, if someone else were to take the lead on it, I'd certainly help out. I figure this will probably have to wait for more mod support from the devs (if and when that happens).

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I feel like if stats were added, or even the stats as they are now, need to cap at some point. Possibly adding in 'fluff' ranks to soldiers which give stat increases but not skills, maybe in between every 2-3 skills. As it is, I have 12 soldiers that are 1-2 ranks away from maxing and I'm at the laser and carapace/skeleton stage.
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I feel like if stats were added, or even the stats as they are now, need to cap at some point. Possibly adding in 'fluff' ranks to soldiers which give stat increases but not skills, maybe in between every 2-3 skills. As it is, I have 12 soldiers that are 1-2 ranks away from maxing and I'm at the laser and carapace/skeleton stage.


When you get the second wind option, there is one for randomising the will/aim for each solider.

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