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Reanimate mgef ?


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Why it doesn't work for HumanRace? There seems be nothing special in FeralGhoulRace (like a specific flag or keyword), it's not even any DFOB, but the effect fully works for Ferals only - humans do get up (eyes closed, they're not revived even for a moment) and drop back immediately. Probably, i've missed something? Thanks.

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This is how I faked a glowing one resurrect on humans

akVictimREF.PlaceAtMe(pGlowingOneResurrectExplosion, 1, false, false, true)
(akVictimREF as Actor).SetValue(pAggression, 1.0) 	;Aggressive will attack Enemies on sight NOT neutrals.
(akVictimREF as Actor).SetValue(pAssistance, 1.0) 	;Helps Allies Will only help Allies.
(akVictimREF as Actor).SetValue(pConfidence, 4.0) 	;Foolhardy will never avoid/flee from anyone.
akVictimREF.SetLinkedRef(None, None)			;may resurrect with the keyword applied
(akVictimREF as Actor).EvaluatePackage()			
(akVictimREF as Actor).StartCombat(pPlayerREF as Actor)	
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