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Before I start I did make some stuff up and I just into the Elder Scrolls so I might of gotten the lore wrong so if your going to critizice do it but just not to harsh please


Nero Mevureius Imperial Male

Born 4E 182 to poor Imperial merchant Percan Mevureius and Imperial Cleaner Audania Mevureius in Bravil, Cyrodiil Nero didn't have the best childhood his parents were poor so his living conditions was only one bedroom apartment. His older brother died of a skooma overdose, his mother is a cleaner for the count's castle but barely made anything and his father is a goods merchant who makes little money since he pays tax to crime lords. Both tried to provide for him but for Nero it was not enough at 10 he joined with his friend Picus a ragtag band of kids who usually robs and steals from the crime lords. Nero liked this he had money and food but until they stole from the wrong group the Blackblood Devils, a group that consists of skooma dealers, slavers, murderers, thieves, you name it. The leader found out that they were stolen from and tracked the group of kids down most of parents sold out thier kids except Nero's they took the blame and said they would pay them back but the leader wasn't having it he killed Nero's father then they raped Nero's mother they took turns and then just killed her. Instead of killing Nero they took him in as a child soldier. In the 8 years Nero spent in captivity he was mostly used in competitions where they pitted prisoners to fight to their death for the groups amusement where he got bet on. He learned some moves from Picus when young and throughout his time there he gained more knowledge in sword fighting. When 17 he and Picus were scheduled for a fight there they made a plan to escape since the leader was in attendance and they were so experienced they planned to cause a uprising, kill the leader in the confusion and escape but all didn't go well they managed to kill the lackeys but the leader's elite guard was there also so the plan to overpower and kill the leader failed as both of them can easily kill all the captives. Picus ended up dying and Nero severely wounded but the confusion allowed Nero to slip away. Nero ended up in Elsweyr where he met a Khajiit named Ri'saad who is planning on going to Skyrim Nero asked to join as he didn't want to stay in Cyrodiil with the Blackblood Devils after him so he journeyed with Ri'saad and his caravan to Skyrim and arrived there at 4E 201 to start a new life.

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Rellik Esrever,Nord, Grew up with a moderate family in Markarth. Instead of growing up like other children of the time playing with swords and attempting to learn magic she was more interested in Dwemer technologies. Spending most of her time tinkering with non functional dwarven spiders and such. However after her parents were slaughtered before her eyes she used her know how of the dwemer technology and went on to become a vampire hunter using technology to make up for what she lacked in strength/speed. She tracked the vampire that killed her parents over the border of skyrim and upon confronting the vampire barely escaped with her life due to inexperience. She wound up in the imperial ambush attempting to make it back to skyrim. Now with more experience she uses her Dwemer technology to hunt down all vampires and assorted undead.

Edited by DangerDangerZ
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