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Combined properties in Nifs


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Hey People!


In Skyrim nifs I tried to add the same bslightingshaderproperty to multiple nitrshapes (as in fallout 3 i have done a hundred times in the last 1,5 years). In game when equipping the armor it goes CTD. If the shader props are separate its all fine , i have like 30 hours gameplay with the armor, but these props are all the same tho (seems to me).


What could be wrong? I have seen mods that use the prop on multiple nitrishapes so i am troubled.


Don't even understand why combine properties doesn't work this either. Maybe it is not Implemented In nifskope for skyrim nifs?


Thx in advcance.


Edit: Not that it does not work but optimizing would be good.

Edited by mancika
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It has always been my understanding that SKYRIMnifs simply require a separate BSlightingshader property for each NiTriShape. It's true that you used to be able to use the same property for multiple NiTriShapes in Fallout, Oblivion, etc. but with the SKYRIM nif version you cannot do that. You will need to copy and paste any properties that would be identical and assign one copy to each mesh.
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It has always been my understanding that SKYRIMnifs simply require a separate BSlightingshader property for each NiTriShape. It's true that you used to be able to use the same property for multiple NiTriShapes in Fallout, Oblivion, etc. but with the SKYRIM nif version you cannot do that. You will need to copy and paste any properties that would be identical and assign one copy to each mesh.


Thank you. What a waste tho.

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