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Creating Harvestable Plant Mesh


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Works like a charm! Which flora form did the original mesh come from? I need to change that form's mesh without changing the form in order to make all the vanilla kelps harvestable. And come up with an ingredient model using the small kelp.
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That's wonderful, chaospearl! Glad to hear it's all working out for you. :)


it isn't a matter of simply copying and pasting and poof you're done.


I can assure you that was all I did. Copied the fern branch and pasted it into the spiky grass nif, deleted the grass' branch, saved and imported into CK. No fiddling with values, CK accepted it immediately, no issues in game either.


Interestingly, this whole thread turned up an unexpected problem - I was going to have a go at the fern ingredient model and realised a nif that's a BSLODTriShape doesn't show up in 3DS on the usual import settings. If I can figure out how to make it show up, it should be simple enough to make a new mesh for the ingredient...actually, I'd really just like to know how to make it show up in 3DS!


Whichever way, look forward to your mod and munching on ferns and kelp. :happy:

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I actually tried with the kelp myself and was going to test it in game, but it didn't show up, so I went back to playing instead ^^; There's four and a half hours gone and I have no idea if my kelp worked :P


Creating the ingredient wouldn't be too hard, would it, just a deal of giving the small kelp nif mass? That's actually the only thing I have used NifSkope for, making things that were static into movable objects.

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At the moment I'm just using the vanilla taproot model for the new ingredient because it sort of resembles a fiddlehead. I made an attempt at reskinning it green instead of brown, but couldn't figure out how to get rid of its glow map.
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At the moment I'm just using the vanilla taproot model for the new ingredient because it sort of resembles a fiddlehead. I made an attempt at reskinning it green instead of brown, but couldn't figure out how to get rid of its glow map.


Open the mesh in Nifskope and select the BSLightingShaderProperty in the Block List window. Look in the Block Details window and find "Shader Flags 2" (it's about the 7th item down). Double-click on the value field to the right of it (there should be a bunch of stuff there) and it should turn into a drop-list. Click on the little black arrow and expand the drop-list. Find the item called "SLSF2_Glow_Map" and uncheck it. Now go back to the Block List window and select the BSShaderTextureSet which is just below the BSLightingShaderProperty block. Now look in the Block Details window again and expand the little white arrow so you can see the texture list. Double-click on the third texture in the list (Taproot_g.dds) and hit the Backspace key on your keyboard. Done.

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Works like a charm! Which flora form did the original mesh come from? I need to change that form's mesh without changing the form in order to make all the vanilla kelps harvestable. And come up with an ingredient model using the small kelp.


The original mesh was the slaughterfisheggcluster01.nif, and the kelp meshes were waterkelptall01.nif and waterkelpshort01.nif. The kelp is used both as a Grass and as a Tree. You should be able to substitute the Tree kelp for a Flora kelp, but not the Grass kelp, as it works differently.

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Tree kelp should be just fine. Though if the grass kelp and tree kelp look exactly the same in-game, I'll have to reskin the harvestable kelp model otherwise I'll wind up wandering around Skyrim trying to harvest every kelp I see and never knowing if it's a harvestable one until I try, which is irritating to say the least. Not to mention it'll cause everyone who downloads it to come back complaining that only certain kelp plants are harvestable and the mod is broken. Easier to just say "pink kelp is harvestable, other colors are not." Hmm, pink kelp.


Thanks again for all your help, Steve. You're fantastic.

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  • 8 years later...

This amazing genius of a person made this tutorial for me and it just works great. I tried to do what was in this thread but it wouldn't work for my purpose. I was trying to make the ivy on a stone wall harvestable. Head over to Mentha's discord server and check out the channel "# making-a-harvestable"



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