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A tonne of things I'd like to see happen thanks to you guys


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So, I recently poured out a tonne of my personal thoughts on the game in the following reddit thread:



It's an incredibly long read, but I do go in depth with a number of issues I have with the game (not that I think it's bad, just not quite where I'd like it to be). Rather than repost that read here I'll only summarise the ideas, I do recommend reading it though.




Multiple alien bases


Multiple XCOM bases including multiple skyrangers. 1 per base.


XCOM Base invasions


Fix the UFO spawning and travel to mission site system like original, include UFO generation from bases, much like original. More detail in above thread regarding balancing.


Research times increased. Probably by 3 times.


Removal of Outsider trigger to alien base find in accordance with new alien base creation and multiple alien bases system. (detail in above linked posts)


Rebalancing of workshop (all items sellable), system changed to include man-hours system as opposed to instant to balance against gray market but also to allow the funding of the much larger xcom operation with multiple bases.


No satellites, radar check system again in accordance with removal of silly ufo spawn system and proper travel to alien mission sites system. (more detail in post)




Explosives create smoke.


Smoke grenades. Details on mechanic in the above thread (very different to support smoke grenades, balance feature with the below line of sight changes) and increase of depth to tactical battles. Complex system.


Line of sight for aliens +1 compared to humans. Remove alien free move. Auto overwatch all aliens, allow line of sight in only the direction a unit is looking however (the direction they're covering towards).


Randomly generated maps. I understand that's a big ask, but maps will always get stale without one.


Double map size. Increased squad size to 8. Increased aliens per map by 1.5x. Increase in explosives targeting range and all explosive radius sizes by 1.5x to account for larger maps. Big bangs and chain reactions were a staple of hilarity in the original that feels missing now. Accuracy ranges may need adjusting, particularly shotgun, to account for larger size, testing would be needed beforehand though to work out typical combat ranges on larger maps, particularly dependant on map density.


Maps with proper multiple floor buildings again. I find it quite jarring just how many buildings in the new game have upper floor windows yet no real upper floor, it's a little weird sometimes. I kinda miss the claustrophobic skyscrapers and hidden alien snipers in windows terror missions.


Mixture of alien patrols and stationary (fewer stationary groups).


Free aim for getting the jump on aliens through walls utilising lasers and plasma.


I THINK that pretty much covers it. Not a modder myself, wouldn't know the first place to start. I have plenty of opinions though, either way I haven't seen some of these things come up and I'd like to see at least some ideas disseminate amongst the mod community. I don't know how realistic nor how difficult any of the above is or will be later down the line. No biting my head off simply for providing a wishlist. These are just the many things I feel that in combination would greatly improve upon the game.


EDIT: Spelling

Edited by Skitrel
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