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Dawnguard 's side effects


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After installing dawnguard i had to deactivate certain mods because they were not compatible with dawnguard ( whenever i wanted to start the first quest and enter fort dawnguard i had CTD ) :(

i had no serious problem except for the gate of the Valkihire keep that didn't open and i had to use player.moveto npc id " to go through the door :wallbash: it was after the final quest that i found lots of things are not in their right place :


1. the thieves guild Vex's sweep job ( steal valuables from brunwulf free winter in windhelm ) and Delvin's bedlum job (steal 500 item worth gold from solitude ) they are now bugged i have done them before starting dawnguard and now i can't tell them i've finished the job ,and when i talk to them the option that i hear you offer side jobs appears and i can choose what i want except for the sweep or bedlum jobs :(


2. the companions quest ( Purity ) has been activated again :blink: :woot: i had finished it long ago and again farkas and vilkus wants to be get ridden of what they don't have anymore :huh: , and i can't take jobs from them anymore :ohmy: :dry:


3. I have both the option Beast form and Vampire lord in my powers :woot: good lord what's this ? :huh: but when i go to Valkihir castle they tell me what's a mortal doing here ? :ermm: they are not hostile but it annoys me how they treat me . and for the beast form when i go to Aela the option that says " i want the beast blood once again ( or something like this) but i can use them both with no problem :sweat:


4.more importantly my dear LYDIA IS GONE :wallbash:


5. i can't move my dear husband to desired home :'( :wacko:


6. my young female character's face now is like an old hag or like a hagraven's face with bright (glowing )yellow eyes :sick: :pinch:

other side effects are yet to be revealed :excl:


please help me :wallbash: i'm like this now ...pulling my hair :ohdear:

Edited by Misakichun
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