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Vampire to werewolf to Vampire Lord


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Have checked but couldn't find a post on this...


At the moment my character is currently a Vampire, but I would like to do the companion quests in which I know I become a werewolf...


Is it then possible to do Dawnguard after turning from a vampire to a werewolf and still become a vampire lord. In other words meaning i would go from a vampire to a werewolf and then into a vampire again?



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well ... you can become a vampire lord and give your werewolf powers to Harkon , he will save them for you in case you wanted them back and you didn't want to be a vampire lord anymore :)

in any case if you chose to become a vampire lord your powers as a werewolf will be gone temporary as long as you remain a vampire lord but as i said earlier if you wished to be werewolf again Harkon will give them back to you , but as you know you can't be both at the same time . :wallbash:


but strangely enough i have both the beast form and vampire lord option in my powers and they work fine ( i can use them both ) :confused: :rolleyes: which i think it's rare bug for me :whistling:

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oh and of course Dropdragon said you can regain your werewolf powers by speaking to Alea and click on the option " i wish to regain beast blood " . :)
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