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Solid Project Issue, Can't Execute Roll, Third Person Camera Is Blocked


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I have had solid project installed for some time and I'm having an issue with it now, and since the page has been taking down I can't do much to go look through the posts to find what it might be conflicting with or how to fix the issue im having,


whenever im in first person, i cannot do a combat roll without switching to third person manually, same with combat takedowns. It brings up an error on the screen "Cannot Execute Roll, Third Person Camera is Blocked"


I had a similar issue with a mod that's supposed to transition to first person when you aim down sights and back to third person when you let go of aim. I cannot get that mod to work.


I have Ragdolls and The Skeleton installed and all I can think is maybe one of those mods replaced first person and third person skeleton and is f*#@ing with it? Any help would be appreciated




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As I understand it, only one "humanoid" skeleton is used by the game, regardless of viewpoint. It is more likely your problem is a recently added mod that has taken over the camera control that switches viewpoint. Sounds like it is blocking both mods, most likely by way of a script.


If you can't deduce the conflict from recent additions, please see the 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.



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