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Creation Kit - Simple Questions about Actors/Encounters


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Hey guys, been around the Nexus since Oblivion but have only just now started to get involved in the community because I am creating my first questline for Skyrim as a means to get a portfolio built up because I want to pursue a career in video gaming. But enough about me...I have an area in the first half of a dungeon in my quest line that I have a couple of large cages in (MetalCageLongDouble01) and I want to put a few werewolves in there as captives. However, when I load in the game the werewolves are inexplicably located outside of the cages. I have tried several things, including increasing the scale of the cages themselves to account for the larger size of the bodies hoping that would solve the issue. I also tried putting NavMesh triangles inside the cages even though normally you are supposed to avoid putting NavMesh under static objects. Any ideas on this?


Also, while I'm on the subject of actors not playing nicely, I created a Draugr ambush which is supposed to have the Draugr get out of their chairs when the player activates the trigger. When I say create, I really mean that I used the prefab created in the WarehouseAmbushes cell, and yet when I test it in game the Draugr continues to sit on the throne like a lazy sack of bones. I then tried creating the whole ambush myself, using the exact same parts as in the prefab but for some reason when I drag the defaultActivateSelfTRIG into the Render Window nothing shows up besides the gizmo allowing me to rotate the invisible box. I ensured that I had markers visible and still no success.


Any help on either subject will be very much appreciated.

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I got the first issue worked out, but I am still having problems with the second issue that I posted about. I have no idea how to get this ambush to work and I have tried several different things. I am still not able to drag a defaultActivateSelfTRIG into the Render Window and have it show up so I can edit it. Any ideas?
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  • 5 months later...

To create a trigger box, select an object (I generally use a static object) and then click the "Create trigger volume" button on your toolbar (it's the one that looks like a cube with a 'T' in it). When it asks you what KIND of trigger, you then select the default self trigger from teh resulting popup list.
After that you can manipulate the box like any other primitive.

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