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That's because you only put the FOLDER into the data files. Take the files out of the folder and THEN put them into the data folder. Then it should work.
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That's because you only put the FOLDER into the data files. Take the files out of the folder and THEN put them into the data folder. Then it should work.


Khet's right.



How about a screen of your OBMM in Alphabetic Sort:


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Ok, Remember there were 3 Original Files at the CM Partners download link. Since I don't know which one you chose, I'm going to use the one I think you should have used as the reference. I'm also going to show you all three files, and unzip all three side by side so you can see what's inside.


Here's exhibit A:




When you open the yellow CM Partners Oblivion Only folder you see two files and another folder named Oblivion Only NoInvisibility. Ignore the folder and grab the Two files and copy them into your data folder, notice there's your missing file-- Exhibit B:




Here's your OBMM, delete these I've marked for now, they're just adding to the confusion. Once you get everything working RE-READ the Readme and you can optionally choose to put one or two of these back in for more companions. The big problem is that you have not put in the "CM Partners.esp"

plugin, and without it, the companions won't work. Don't forget to check the box next to it. You need to check the box next to CM Partners NPC.esp as well.


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