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Festivals of Skyrim


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Picture: lights, dancing, ale, bards, fireworks, exotic foreign wares, fortune tellers, stalls, minigames, more dancing, coloured lanterns, food, nomads and gypsies, khajits selling skooma, coca beans and chocolate, nords selling spiced wine and sweetrolls, redguards selling coffee, coffee beans and turkish delight.

Sounds like a party? Sounds like a festival.

It would be awesome if there were two or three festival locations picked around skyrim (in or out of city, whatever is easiest) where on certain nights, everyone gathers and celebrates.

Just an idea.

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Picture: lights, dancing, ale, bards, fireworks, exotic foreign wares, fortune tellers, stalls, minigames, more dancing, coloured lanterns, food, nomads and gypsies, khajits selling skooma, coca beans and chocolate, nords selling spiced wine and sweetrolls, redguards selling coffee, coffee beans and turkish delight.

Sounds like a party? Sounds like a festival.

It would be awesome if there were two or three festival locations picked around skyrim (in or out of city, whatever is easiest) where on certain nights, everyone gathers and celebrates.

Just an idea.


Why would you even do that? Read my post from earlier today and then post this???? I mean, what sort of leech are you?

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Mod requests cannot be patented. It is not uncommon for the same requests to be proposed by more than one person. Looking at the first one, it is quite different in structure than the second. I have seen the same kind of requests before.
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Fair enough, but you can see where I'm coming from. It just felt bad seeing this that's all.

I'm really sorry about that! I didn't even know yours was there, I had been thinking about it for ages and I only had a few minutes so I chucked some ideas in. Your idea has had a lot more thought put into and I think it is really cool. Great minds think a like?

I'm sorry if you feel like I was stealing your idea, I didn't mean to at all.

Reading yours, I think it would be cool if the ideas were combined, so that on your festival days, actual travelling caravan campsites were added with some of my stuff in them.

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personally i read both of your post and i think it would be an amazing mod with both your ideas combined. you give a very tantalizing image almost reminiscent of WoW festivals (wich i really enjoy btw) . and the other individual put a good solid purpose behind said festivals, which i feel is the essence of a festival, a reason to have the bards and ale and gypsies and so one. I would love for you two to collaborate one this idea together or the two of you put your creative minds towards someone who is really good with making mods happen. i would love to see this. Skyrim is great but jumping from quest to quest, guild to guild, dungeon to dungeon with no other attraction in this amazing built land kinda takes away from the rich character that skyrim could offer
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Fair enough, but you can see where I'm coming from. It just felt bad seeing this that's all.

I'm really sorry about that! I didn't even know yours was there, I had been thinking about it for ages and I only had a few minutes so I chucked some ideas in. Your idea has had a lot more thought put into and I think it is really cool. Great minds think a like?

I'm sorry if you feel like I was stealing your idea, I didn't mean to at all.

Reading yours, I think it would be cool if the ideas were combined, so that on your festival days, actual travelling caravan campsites were added with some of my stuff in them.



No worries, thanks for replying. It wasn't that I felt you were stealing an idea, ideas are free, it was just the timing and the thought that all the work I'd done might be skipped over as our ideas have similar names. It would be great to see a combination of these in a mod.

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