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Playable Ghoul character?


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But, but! Ghouls aren't evil. :(


Nonetheless, a playable Ghoul would be totally sweet. In-story, though, it wouldn't do to have a Ghoul walking out of the Vault... The ideal way to handle it would be as a consequence of suffering maximum radiation poisoning, or else as the result of a quest line. If a construction set is ever released, the latter definitely ought to be possible. Not sure about the former scenario.

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I know they arnt evil, but they still have that "I wanna eat your face" look. LoL.


I actually thought of that as well, making it a consequence of radiation poisoning. I mean, they bring up mutation in the GOAT and I was kinda disappointed that they didnt make it possible to become a ghoul yourself. I mean, you could become a vampire in Oblivion, and a Werewolf in Morrowind...why not a Ghoul in Fallout 3?

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If you want these to work, someone MUST make a alternative start mod so you can pick a starting location for human/ghoul race.

Maybe all ghoul race starts off in that ghoul city? While humans can choose to be at other places.


Of course, you'd need to remove the main quest and add in a whole bunch of side quest to buff up the exploration... Maybe random encounters on different time in each places?

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I mean, you could become a vampire in Oblivion, and a Werewolf in Morrowind...why not a Ghoul in Fallout 3?


If it helps.. In F3 you can become a vampire ;)

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Its odd, Ive noticed that certain human NPCs get turned into ghouls as well (Mr. Burke for example) with this mod yet some dont (Mr. Tenpenny).


Hopefully all the kinks get worked out of this one, but it definitly is awsome. Perhaps once someone finds out how to make the ghouls a completely separate race it will all work out.

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If you want these to work, someone MUST make a alternative start mod so you can pick a starting location for human/ghoul race.

Maybe all ghoul race starts off in that ghoul city? While humans can choose to be at other places.


Of course, you'd need to remove the main quest and add in a whole bunch of side quest to buff up the exploration... Maybe random encounters on different time in each places?


thinking of ghouls as a race is bad. ghouls are mutated humans (as are supermutants btw)


ghouls are not born. iirc they cannot reproduce due to the mutation. ghouls are not born in underworld, however they might move in.


honestly i think being a ghoul inside the vault would not be a bad idea. maybe you got too close to a reactor leak when you were young or something and have been slowly mutating ever sense.

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