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Playable Ghoul character?


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I think the best way to work this in would be to have a mod that adds in an easily accessible quest near the beginning of the game that has two possible endings. A "normal" one with normal rewards, and a "bad" one that Ghoulificates you. Problem is, you'd need some serious suspension of disbelief to play through the plot after that, since NOBODY would mention it.


You'd also have to be careful about how to implement other Ghoulish traits. I think when it happens, you should get a free "perk" that lowers your Speech and Barter by -10 (don't lower just Cha, because it's a dump stat for most people and stat's can't go below 1... So that would effectively remove any penalty), and HP by -20 (same deal with END, though hardly anyone makes it a dump stat), but the biggest change would have to be radiation. You shouldn't be able to become radiated like a normal character, but exposure to radiation sources should heal you. Like I said, though, you shouldn't be able to accumulate rads, or you'd effectively have a permanent regen effect on you, and what would the various levels do, raise your stats? Too easy and broken. Also, you'd need to remove all perks that relate to rad resistance/etc, since those just wouldn't make sense... And possibly make eating/drinking from irradiated sources heal the player more.


Oooh, and you could add in a perk later to become a glowing one! Permanent light source (makes you less sneaky, though), even more healing from radiation, and any enemy that makes a melee or unarmed attack against you takes damage. :D



Just some ideas...

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