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CreateArray - Pluggy command


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This is my script:



scn AgroActivatorAndArrays


short once

long ActorArray

long ActorPersonalArray

long ActorCombatTimeArray

float fQuestDelayTime


begin gamemode


if once == 0

set ActorArray to CreateArray -1 0 1

set ActorPersonalArray to CreateArray -1 0 1

set ActorCombatTimeArray to CreateArray -1 0 1

set once to 1

MessageBox "Arrays Created"



if player.IsInCombat == 1

set fQuestDelayTime to 3


set fQuestDelayTime to 1





if AgroAct.GetDistance Player > 120

AgroAct.moveto Player 0, 0, 140


AgroAct.Cast AgroActSpell Player






It doesn't seem to create the arrays at all. The MessageBox also doesn't show up... Anyone has any idea how this is possible?


And yes, I have installed Pluggy correctly. The CS accepts these commands, but ingame they don't seem to run!

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