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CK Face Gen Morphs

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I am not sure how to use these sliders in CK. I am trying to edit the face of Nat, Pipers kid sister. But Sliding them all the way left or right seems to give no change at all in appearance. I know after editing there is a step to generate face gen nif files. But I don't need that step just yet, I just need to know why the sliders do nothing atm?

Also, since kids have less headparts compared to adults, I tried adding some from the adults to the child race and then applying them to the npcs list of head parts. I added just few different lips and eyelashes etc. Obviously my goal is to try recreate a likeness to Ellie from Last of Us. But on adding those extra head parts, in Xedit was fine but in CK, it caused CTD when trying to load the esp as active file. So I removed those.

Is there another way, Like can I just use Show Looks menu in the game via Console command and will it save the settings to the esp if I do it that way?


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