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weird and funny quest bug


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I was doing the Dawnguard DLC sidequest called "Preemptive Strike" and the quest led me to Morvunskar where i had to kill all the vampires there, then i went inside the fort and killed a few vampires then went down the lower floors then i saw a daedra killing 3 vampires, i waited until the daedra killed all three of them then my journal said that i killed all the vampires so the daedra basically did my job for me so then i approached it and to my surprise it was non-hostile and there's more, he's Sanguine! then i tried to talk to Sanguine and he responded "I don't owe you any money do i?"


just some weird and funny quest bug that i experienced, which might have been caused by already finishing Sanguine's quest (which was really funny too)


anyway, i just wanted to know if anyone else experienced this before and if it has any ill effects on the game and other quests? and now that we're on the subject, why don't you post your funniest quest and quest bugs experienced here

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Sanguine's appearance in Morvunskar is a Bethesda easter egg....yes, he is meant to be there if you go back....it may only be the once, I'm not sure...but found him there myself and looked into it....Gotta love Sanguine... :tongue: ....his my favorite among the Divines and Daedra's..... :happy: Edited by StayFrosty05
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so its intentional, i don't have to worry about bugs that might affect other quest then, thanks for the answer
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