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Fallout 3 Save Manager


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I guess it's not really a "modification" per se, but this seemed the most appropriate forum. Anyway, is anybody working on porting the Oblivion Save Manager to Fallout? (Although, as I'm typing this, I'm realising that I haven't bothered lying to the old one and just pointing it at Fallout's save directory...) It seems like it would be a fairly simple project for the original developer of the Oblivion Save Manager to update some of the graphics to a less scroll-like and more PipBoy-ish feel and to change a couple of strings or whatever to make it fully compatible with Fallout.


I mean, it probably wouldn't be too huge a job to do from scratch, at least if you left out some of the advanced features from OBSM like associating a mod list with each character, but it just seems like it'd be easier for everyone if the original OBSM guy ported it to work with F3.

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