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Dark Elves.......


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Why is it in every RPG I play I find myself pulled to the Dark elves what is it about them that makes them so playable is it me just thinking that they look cool as all hell. I just started playing a few days ago and I've never been attatched to a charecter like the one I created I'm playing a Dark Elf Rouge and to me he's friggin awesome. Well I suppose it's whatever floats your boat, I'm just happy I found an RPG that rocks and feels more customizeable (if thats even how you spell it). Thanx for reading my rant. :nazgul:
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Not really a rant, Dioxide. I have played a Dark Elf character but I usually play as a Nord. I don't know why either unless somewhere they remind me of someone I know. Do you know many who look like Dark Elves? :D (Other than John Kerry apparently according to wesay).
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Maybey its just the inner me, who knows. Either that or it's just the fact that they look so damn cool. Either way I'm a moron. But I know what I like. Maybe I'll have to try a Nord my buddie plays one and says its pretty fun, I'm always up for trying new characters.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I believe we all have a little dark elf inside, its our dark side, so ussually we embrace things we try to hide in real life. I totally agree with you though, dark elves are the coolest SOB's in the game. Personally I like the grizzled face with the red gotie(thats definately spelled wrong) and the red mowhawk. And while we are on the subject of races, GOOD LORD ORC WOMEN ARE UGLY! How can you tell them apart from the males? They all look like orcish grandparents! IWWWWWWW
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