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Hearthfire Unbuilding


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Found out that once you start building something in hearthfire, you can't undo it. This was after i gave up my library for a kitchen thinking that's what i needed for a child to be adopted.

If at all possible, could someone make a mod that lets you delete a wing of your house? Id be fine if it removes all the stuff in the room, and doesn't even refund you materials.

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  • 3 months later...

I have been longing for this as well. I would hate to have to go around , empty the houses and unload the DLC. To be able to change the house just seems like a natural option. I always seem to find that the community can always create additions better than the game company themselves.

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I would also love to have this option. I built a house at Heljarchen and due to a mod conflict it didn't show up at all. I thought it was supposed to show up after a passage of some days or weeks and I continued playing only to later on realise that there was a conflict. As a result even though I uninstalled the conflicting mod, I never got my house back.


TL;DR: I have a ghost house because of mod conflicts and need to rebuild!


Also the ability to fire the steward and get a new one.

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  • 7 months later...

I was in the middle of playing Skyrim, and the Hearthfire DLC is the only thing that is keeping my interest in this game (for I have been playing nonstop for a quite some time now) and decided to make a trophy room for the northern wing of Lakeview Manor. Once I had completed the trophy room and added all of the trophy stands, I noticed that It would be little if not any use to me. I was disappointed in the matter and began searching for a way to deconstruct my north wing. After about an hour of trying to figure it out, I went onto the Nexus to find out that it was impossible to do so. I know for a fact that we have excellent modders out there that could probably resolve this problem. If you are one of those professionals, then please, help us enjoy the luxuries of Hearthfire by correcting Bethesda's mistakes. I come to you as a damsel in distress!

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