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Creation Glowing Sea

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Do you mean the weather? If so, then you should take a closer look at how they did the weather for the glowing sea area in the region editor. You can theoretically just create a new weather region with let's say the CommonwealthGSRadstorm weather for your mod. For testing purposes I recommend using the console command with the coresponding weather ID in the console, e.g. "forceweather 001C3D5E". I hope that's what you meant.


Btw, are you still working on Fallout New York?

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I was only refering to the console as a way to test different weather types ingame to see what they look like before you use them because there are several similar ones. For instance CommonwealthGSRadstorm looks similar to CommonwealthGSOvercast but the latter one has no storms. I would recommend to just test around with some weather types of the GS area and see how far you can get with your own weather region.


Too bad that you aren't working on Fallout New York anymore :(. It looked really great.

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