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armor and invisible body


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I just changed pc and then reinstall several mods with Vortex. Unfortunately, when starting a new game, it turns out that Ulfric and the other characters in the wagon that precedes us in the cinematic of the beginning of the game have no armor or outfits and are invisible.

Can someone please help me?
Thank you :)

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  • 9 months later...

This doesn't happen unless you have a mod conflict. Disable your mods 1 by 1 (or small groups at a time if you have a huge build) and start the game till the wagon characters are normal. Once they are normal then you know that the last mod you disabled was the culprit. Check it in SSEEdit for conflicts and look for patches. Run LOOT to sort your load order. These last two sentences fix 99% of all issues.


You can avoid issues at the start of the game by installing Alternate Start. Alternate Start gives you a chance to load all mods before starting the game which makes it easier on the engine because it's not trying to load mods while running the introduction scene. Link;






Don't load mods till Riverwood because there are a lot of scripts running at the beginning of the game.

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Btw... This is the mods i installed and this is in order, the way vortex auto sorted it, sorry, im new at this stuff and im letting vortex do all the work



AFT3dnpc patch




AT - immersive weapons

AT ordinator patch

Better quest objectives aft patch

Better quest objectives crf patch

Better quest objectives dbforevertomisc

Better quest objectives

Chapter 2 soundtrack

Cutting room floor

dD enhanced blood main lite

dD Realistic ragdoll force realistic

Dragon stalking fix


Frost slow tweaks apocalypse patch

Frost slow tweaks tomebound patch

Frost slow tweaks vigilant esp patch

Frost slow tweaks

Growl werebeasts of skyrim

Guards armor replacer

Hearthfire multikid lastname

Hearthfire multikid

Hotthtrooper44 armor ecksstra

Hotthtrooper44 armor compilation

Immersive citizens ai overhaul

Immersive movement

Immersive patrols

immersive weapons

Insignificant object remover

Jewelry limiter

Jzbai throwing weapons lite LL

Jzbai throwing weapons lite

Simply better movement speeds

Modern brawl bug fix

Mysticism magic

Mysticism ordinator

Natural interface

No world map fog

No bsaip projectile dodge

No radial blur

Ordinator perks of skyrim

Prvt royal armory

Quest conflict fixes

Rdo aft v1.66 patch

Real wildlife

Realistic voice

Relationship dialogue overhaul

Remove interior fog

Remove smoke and dust

Revamped exterior fog

Sandboxcylynder height

Skyrim is windy

Skyrim reputation


Sneaktools vanilla hoods

Sneak tools vanilla masks

Sneak tools esp

Spouse to custom home


The scarlett

Thief skills rebalance for ordinator

Tk dodge

Training adjustments

True dragonborn


Unread books glow

Warzones sse civil unrest mcm

Warzones sse civil unrest

Welcome to whiterun


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