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Console Fix Mod?


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I've tried the IR fixes, but my computer doesn't have any IR installed so doesn't show up on device manager.. Running Vista..


Was wondering if anyone would make a console fix item like that ring in Oblivion for us unfortunate Vista users?


Tilde key no worky--can hit it all day and still walk around, so I'm sure the console isn't just hidden from my sight :unsure:


This is my first or second post, if I am doing something wrong please let me know nicely :biggrin:

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I'm in the same situation and I've been through all the same steps! I went through the configuration files to make sure it's enabled (bAllowConsole=1). I tried it on my laptop keyboard, external usb keyboard, various combos of shift+tilde, ctrl+tilde, with and without caps/numlock. It isn't just hidden it never pauses!


I'm running vista 64-bit edition on a laptop.


I don't know how to make mods but I imagine someone can make one that makes the console open on a different button or something?

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