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No radio mods will work.


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First of all, this is not a no sound issue. I have seen many people not having sound from their stations but that isnt my problem at all. The stations simply don't show in my pipboy.

I've made sure their all installed correctly and manually, ive tried disabling all but one, and doing that with each radio mod.


I have the caravan starter packs, dead money, honest hearts. I have it patched up to whatever patch came with honest hearts.


I unpacked these mods with 7zip, and as ive stated done them each individually. The stations simply don't show up.


The radio stations ive tried are



1. wave radio

2. old world radio

3. conelrad



the only other mod I have is type3mclothing along with its optional honest hearts esp


Ive only tested these in regular new vegas, have not explored any of the DLC's yet.


Any help would be appreciated because im about to quit new vegas, its too boring without music and feels empty, and I cant stand any of the default songs anymore, there are just too few and ive heard them way too often. Ive been sadly listening to the sierra casino broadcast just to have something lol.


any help would be appreciated. Ive considered updating the game further but cannot fathom how that would make any difference as far as getting them to show up in the pipboy to begin with. thanks.

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