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Serana won't do her job


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Need help to fix a bug in Dawnguard (non-Vampire) quest line. First Serana would not follow as companion as she was hung up on followers being there when they'd been let go for several days/before entering Castle first time. She would not follow. I fixed the "follower" problem but before I did, I went through the back door of the Castle for the Blood scroll search and got to read Valerica's journal. This tripped an accomplisment medal flag which said completed. NOW with Serana as a companion in the new saves, she doesn't acknowledge Valerica's journal when we read together and she doesn't offer her blood in the cistern used to open the Soul Cairn. Anyone got a work around to get Serana jump-started to participate in the quest line? Dawnguard has been nothing but glitches. :wallbash:
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It sounds to me like you had one bug (probably caused by mods, especially since the way you worded that sounds like you were using a multiple follower mod) and deliberately did something you weren't meant to do (do the quest without Serana) and now you want to blame Bethesda. Sounds about par for this place. So I'm going to guess you're going to have to change the quest state with the console. Beyond that, someone else will have to offer a suggestion. Edited by Stemin
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