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Basicly I uploaded 2 new mods this morning on my OBMM and for some reason they seemed just fine on OBMM and they were green, I didnt go on Ob untill this afternoon, I opened up OBMM when my game wudnt start... and ALL the mods have gone to a black box!


I cant upload my game and even though I have deactivated and deleted said Mods all the mods which were formally working fine are still black... HELP

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Need more info.

Explain 'black box'. A screenshot would help if you can get one.


As I read it, the OBMM list is coming up as a black box. Is this what you have?

Which mods did you install?

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Basicly I uploaded 2 new mods this morning on my OBMM and for some reason they seemed just fine on OBMM and they were green, I didnt go on Ob untill this afternoon, I opened up OBMM when my game wudnt start... and ALL the mods have gone to a black box!


I cant upload my game and even though I have deactivated and deleted said Mods all the mods which were formally working fine are still black... HELP



i think i had that problem a while ago, well i had a black boc when i was using saiden storm akatosh mount but i never had any problems with the game crashing (unless you count me scripting 1000 skeletons) i don't think the'yr connected and bythe way it's blue box if they're active green means not active u hae to look on the list to the left if the mod name is there click on it's box and u should get a black crosss. if it's not there look on the rigt and u said it was green so click on it and then on the activate button if you didn't do it this way then u could try doing it throught the games datafiles option.


this might help but it might not.

best of luck :whistling:

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