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Flex Modifier


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Im currently skinning my latest armour:



And whilst working on the Surcoat (the long bits of material hanging in front and behind the legs), I thought about seeing if I could add a flex modifier in 3DS Max.


However I do not wish to waste my time if the game engine will not recognise this modifier.. So any advice is most welcome..


Also on a side note, when I searched the words "flex modifier" on the forums I found a thread relating to Flails : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/483353-flail-wepons-spiky-ball-on-a-chain/page__hl__flex+modifier__st__10


It was said that the engine does not recognise this modifier for weapons as they become static when equipped, however the last post on the thread (some time ago) was this by throttlekitty:


"Weapons/armors can reference Havok Behavior .hkx animation files now, very cool. Whether or not that means we can have live havok sim in-hand remains to be seen, but it's a step up. At the very least, we might be able to pull off canned animations."


Does anyone have an update on this as well?


Many thanks

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