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BSOD 1e, Skyrim SE


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Been getting a blue screen with bugcheck 1e and no further info. Only seems to happen while playing Skyrim SE, after a period of time. Can't duplicate the issue with any other conditions. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Originally installed in February of 2018 and has always worked perfectly, until recently.


I also started a thread here that describes everything in detail: https://www.sevenforums.com/bsod-help-support/421286-bsod-1e-skyrim-se-no-further-parameters.html


To sum it up, I can run for an hour, maybe two, before getting the blue screen crash. I've tested my hardware to no avail and everything checks out repeatedly. All Windows updates are current and so are the drivers. Ran integrity check of the game, no problems found. Crash dumps provide no additional info.


Anyone here encounter a similar issue, on Skyrim or any others? Any suggestions are appreciated!

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