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Mod Distribution/Automation Program


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aren't we talking about doing (essentially) what dreadylein's Modpatcher is already doing? If not, then I'm having trouble understanding what that program does.



No. Modpatcher patches the exe with ini settings, because the game doesn't actually look at the DefaultGameCore.ini file on your hard drive. I don't see how you can confuse that with what we're talking about, especially since it appeared you had such a good understanding so far. :D


Unless you mean how modpatcher is essentially a program that reads and modifies file(s)... Then, yes, they're essentially the same. ;)



Anyways, I guess we better start this thing rolling. I don't think any more contributors will show up at this point.


Let's hold off on the GUI part, as that'll take longer than anything else.


Are you familiar with using version control software like SVN?

Edited by Daemonjax
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No. Modpatcher patches the exe with ini settings, because the game doesn't actually look at the DefaultGameCore.ini file on your hard drive. I don't see how you can confuse that with what we're talking about, especially since it appeared you had such a good understanding so far. :D


Fair enough :). I think my confusion stems from the fact that I haven't actually sat down and done any of this yet. I'm approaching it, so far, from a purely theoretical standpoint, and the doing will likely clear up most of the mist in my head.



Let's hold off on the GUI part, as that'll take longer than anything else.


Are you familiar with using version control software like SVN?


I am familiar, I have tortoise intstalled on my machine already, so I'm ready to roll there.

However, I've never really worked on command line software before, I've only played with GUI stuff. However, I have full confidence that that won't be an issue.


EDIT: If I'm following you correctly, modpatcher (along with some other things, like XSHAPE) is essentially modifying the structure that forces the game to read our modified files, while what we've been talking about here is how to automate and distribute the actual modified files (in such a way to avoid copyright issues, etc.)


EDIT2: Nope, I think I got it now. I'm actually going through and doing and that makes a huge difference. Modpatcher is used if you want to fiddle around in the .inis. We're not doing that. After following along with your gender tutorial (almost finished with it) I can see that we're not messing with .inis at all. Gosh, I should have just jumped in with both feet in the first place.


I'm a little slow some days, you'll have to forgive me ;)

Edited by dose206
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I am familiar, I have tortoise intstalled on my machine already, so I'm ready to roll there.

However, I've never really worked on command line software before, I've only played with GUI stuff.

Yeah, XSHAPE and modpatcher both modify the exe (each for very different reasons), but they don't touch upk files.


If you feel confident in doing the GUI.. if that is where you'd feel most comfortable... then, you can focus on that if you want, of course! :D

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If you feel confident in doing the GUI.. if that is where you'd feel most comfortable... then, you can focus on that if you want, of course! :D


Well, as much as I'd hate to slow everyone down by having to learn as I go... I love learning new things. Anyhow, we might be better served by getting the program working and running, and adding the GUI afterwards.

In the end, I'm happy to follow your lead and happy to take directions... this is unfamiliar territory for me, after all.

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Is it because I´m listening to 8bit chiptune that I just had the vision of you guys sailing away on a ship towards an epic adventure(I was waving you goodbye from the pier, btw xD )? ;D


Bon voyage! :pirate:


Daemonjax is the salty captain and I'm the greenhorn with eyes as wide as saucers, for ease of identification.


EDIT: Yes, dreadylein is here too. He's the one who's not the salty captain or the wide eyed greenhorn

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Okay, Daemonjax, I've worked entirely through your gender tutorial without repacking anything. I understand now what we're talking about and what we're up against. I'll try and at least start on some code tonight and get it online (does google code support svn? I've never used them for storage). I can't promise anything because, as I mentioned earlier, I have an exam tomorrow and so far I've spent the entire day getting set up and running to mod XCom :). I should be able to get something online within a day or two.


On the plus side, I ended up installing XCom on my laptop, which is far from being a gaming rig, and it runs great so far! Unexpected bonus!

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