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Mod Distribution/Automation Program


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I'm also wondering what the progress is on this. I'm planning on releasing my first mod with XSHAPE, but I suspect there will be lots of installation issues because the user has to do quite a lot to make the mod work (relatively speaking). But I'm also curious how people will react to a more complicated installation procedure...


Well, anyway. I can't wait until you guys finish the new tool and modding becomes more easy! :)


Will it be possible to run multiple mods that modify the .upk files? Those files are quite huge, with lots of code. So that means there's lots of possibility for people to create "mini" mods that you could run next to each other.

Edited by BlackAlpha
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Lost power for a few days due to Sandy... I'm back up now.



The ModInstaller and ModMaker parts of the program work fine.


We're just having issues getting the GUI frontend to do what we want it to do.


If this issue continues, I'll put together a command line interface.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Hey, I just found this place and I'd like to try my hand at helping out with some mod projects for this game. I took a look at the source code for this, and I'd love to help out if you guys are willing to take on someone new to modding. Most of my coding has been done in java, but I can work with whatever you guys are doing. Let me know what you need help with.
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Currently, dose is doing the GUI in C#, while I'm writing everything else in Java.


If we need to restart with a new GUI, then it'll be in Java (since it would be easy for me to jump into it and make changes). If that happens, I'll do a beta release with no GUI first... Friday afternoon at the latest.

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I'd offer my help with this project too, but I'm sure I'd create more bugs than anything else. I'm quite a messy coder and just about learn what I need to as I go along.


I started developing my own little mod manager as a personal project to see if I could do it and to learn from, but I just checked out your source and it's rather more impressive than mine lol :)


What problems is dose having with the GUI anyway?


Keep up the great work, looking forward to it being ready :)

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I've got a possible issue. Today I've sent a test version of my new mod version to 4 people. This new mod version includes XSHAPE, which uses Java. Two of the testers reported back with the problem that Windows doesn't recognize Java: "Java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." And hence XSHAPE doesn't work.


Now I'm getting pretty paranoid. I know you can't really say so, but that's half of the people reporting that problem. Well, anyway, I can imagine that quite a few people might show up with similar problems.


I'm wondering if there's an easy fix for this? Or can it somehow be avoided in the first place? If not in XSHAPE, what about the new tool? If it can be avoided in the new tool, then I'd rather hold off on releasing anything until the new tool is released. I don't want a repeat from what happened when Firaxis started using their new patching process, lots of people then showed up with problems.

Edited by BlackAlpha
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Now I'm getting pretty paranoid. I know you can't really say so, but that's half of the people reporting that problem. Well, anyway, I can imagine that quite a few people might show up with similar problems.


I'm wondering if there's an easy fix for this? Or can it somehow be avoided in the first place?

Did any of them note whether they were running Java v7, or like myself and probably a fairly sizable percentage, still on v6?


Can't uninstall v6 for some reason or another, without leaving an utter mess in the Registry; and having both v6 and v7 side-by-side has caused... issues, for a fairly small number of peeps that I talk to once every other blue moon.

Edited by NeoSeether
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