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Unlootable armor


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Hello everyone !


I was just wondering if there is a mod that make npc's armor unlootable ? I think it would increase game experience if armors had to be found in chests, bought or forged ...

If there isn't any mod who do that, is there a way to make one ?


thank you !

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It's really not difficult. It's just time consuming. You have to go through all the NPCs or Level Lists to remove all normal versions of the armor, then create a second non-playable version and add it to the lists, and then change all the chests in the game to use a new level list for the armor you want as loot. Crafting you don't have to touch, because the non-playable armor, would not be on crafting lists. And to make it a shorter list than making "all" the boots and "all" the gloves and helmets. You can sidestep this, by just adding the parts from the other armors on to your second one and ticking the extra body parts that will be used, and then increasing the base armor value to include all the parts.


By doing this, instead of creating a ton of boots and helmets and gloves, you can create a single piece of armor that fills all those slots with the proper pieces and have less level-lists to make/edit.

Edited by hadoumastery
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Just take a look at the CK for 5 minutes, inspect the way armor and weapons are set up by double clicking on them, and believe me, you will get a very quick idea of what to do, not to mention, leveled lists are as easy as drag and drop, or pressing the delete key while something is selected.


And if you don't understand how to edit armor looks. Just look at the little thing near bottom right in it, and you will see something like "BladesArmorAA" that's pretty much the mesh and texture readout right there, and it has male and female versions. And you can select the body parts pretty simple, they are in plain view as soon as you open up an armor with CK.

Edited by hadoumastery
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  • 1 year later...

Necropost :)


Simply creating alternate non playable versions of the armor and dumping it into leveled lists and replacing the old armor, and then editing the chest leveled lists is not only irresponsible modding (assuming you want to distribute it) it's unnecessary. You don't have to recreate the leveled lists for all the chests that use the leveled armor list of your character, you simply need to create alternate leveled lists and create an alternate outfit list for that NPC. Take an imperial soldier for example: He has an outfit list (under outfits) which you make an alternate version (tack ABC after it for example) then edit each list in THAT list and make alternates for each with your ABC extension after it, then just keep repeating until each leveled item list has been changed to have your ABC suffix. I suggest putting it at the end instead of the begining in the case of leveled lists so that you can more easily swap them on the character in the next step. Lastly you open up the character and change his outfit to your new outfit. Open the outfit and change all the leveled lists to the new ones you created and make sure the new items you made are at the root of the lists.


Yes it is quite time consuming :P I'm having to do this for a Pale Pass worldspace I've been working on where there are squads of stormcloaks and imperials walking patrols around the region and killing one another and then having a delayed respawn back at their camps, if I didn't kill the loot option in this fashion, any soldier that was looted would respawn without gear lol

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